Wehave some volunteer opportunities we'd love you to be involved in. Please readbelow or visitour events page for more information. No need to let me know if you can'tmake it - I know you care, and that time is in short supply!
SageFest: FoothillsTrail Maintenance
April6, 2019 from 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Joinus for the 2nd Annual SageFest - a volunteer trail eventco-sponsored by Chelan-Douglas Land Trust (CDLT) and Central WA EvergreenMountain Bike Association (EMBA). We will work on a variety of trails in theFoothills. Signup online, or contact Olivia Schilling (olivia@cdlandtrust.org or509-667-9708).
TrailMaintenance in the Foothills
April13, 2019 from 9:00 AM - 1:30 PM
Joinus for trail maintenance in the Foothills, exact location to be determined. Thework for this day will depend on what we get done during earlier work parties. Signup online, or contact Olivia Schilling (olivia@cdlandtrust.org or509-667-9708).
EarthDay Scavenger Hunt Volunteers
April22, 2019 from 2:15 to 6:30 PM at Jacobson Preserve
SpendEarth Day helping local families fall in love with nature! Volunteers helpcheck in families and help them through a self-guided scavenger hunt list alongthe trail from 4:00-6:00 PM. No prior knowledge nature knowledge necessary -we'll train you before families start to arrive. Let me know (509-667-9708or hillary@cdlandtrust.org)if you're interested.
Variouslocations and dates starting in late April
Doyou care about wildflowers, wildlife habitat, or just beautiful hiking trails?Help the Land Trust battle invasive weeds! Dates and locations will depend onhow the weed season is shaping up, so let us know if you're interested and wewill keep you informed on upcoming work parties. Most weed work willhappen in the Wenatchee Foothills, and may involve off-trail travel andhand-pulling or spraying with a backpack sprayer. Contact Neal at neal@cdlandtrust.org or (509) 667-9708to let him know you're interested.
CommunityScience eBirding
Variousdates at Mountain Home and Horse Lake Preserve
Joinus for meaningful mornings in beautiful places. We'll collect bird species datawhich may be used by scientists to help answer real-world questions. ContactConservation Fellow Susan Ballinger at susan@cdlandtrust.orgor call 509-667-9708 for more information.
Staytuned for more opportunities later in the season - you can always find a fulllist and more information at ourevents page. We always appreciate your willingness to help! Thanks!