As you've probably noticed, hashtags are kind of a big deal right now. You see them on every show, news program and advertisement. Yet many people still find them daunting, complicated and worst of all – trivial.Even the co-founder of Twitter, Biz Stone, said that he thought hashtags would never catch on because they were "waaay too nerdy."But they did catch on, and anyone who has a television, radio, computer or smartphone can see that.So if you can't beat 'em, join 'em!We at the Wenatchee Chamber of Commerce have come up with our own hashtags to represent the Wenatchee Valley both locally and abroad.Since our new brand tagline is “Wenatchee: What Will You Pick Today?” we decided to use #pickwenatchee as the tourism-oriented hashtag. It invites tourists to choose this place and all the options here.#wearewenatchee is meant to be our local, community-oriented hashtag. Whether it be a high school football game, a Junior Service League charity event or Apple Blossom, #wearewenatchee is meant to be used to create a conversation about what we as a community is up to.We encourage you to promote your business, our beautiful valley and the people who call this place home with the hashtags #pickwenatchee and #wearewenatchee on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+ and/or anywhere else you connect with your network online.
Jerri Barkley
April 8, 2014