Theart of Jan Cook Mack can be seen everywhere in Wenatchee, from public buildingsto private homes. She has painted scenes of eastern Washington, the naturalworld as well as portraits too many to list. And she is nowhere near done yet.
AboutJan Cook Mack
JanCook Mack grew up in the United States and in Taiwan before settling down in easternWashington in 1986. She studied in Taiwan and also learned Chinese hand-scrollpainting. Cook Mack has a Fine Arts degree from Bennington College, Vermont.
Whileon the east coast, Jan Cook Mack’s earlier work included painting cows inVermont in the 1970’s. She still receives complimentary maple syrup from peoplewhose livestock she immortalized on canvas. Cook Mack was drawn to the entirerealm of farming, with its animals, tractors and landscapes.
CookMack also painted several portraits of senators and other public figures on theeastern side of our nation.
Forseveral years, Jan Cook Mack hiked or even skied to the locations she wanted topaint, with all her art supplies in tow. She feels that painting onsite allowsthe artist best absorb the energy of the location at the moment – by the timethe painter returns to the studio the connection can be much diminished.
Her collected works up to date includedepictions of people, either public or private, landscapes, flowers, andanimals. Jan Cook Mack’s own sons can be found in many of her paintings. Hercow, hen and rooster “portraits” are all unique with distinct personalities.
CookMack’s paintings adorn the interiors of in several locations in Wenatchee, suchas the Confluence Technology Building in the Olds Station Area, 285 TechnologyCenter Way. Besides Wenatchee, her works have been placed in several corporateheadquarters throughout the United States.

WhileCook Mack primarily paints on canvas, she has also embellished some ofWenatchee’s streets with murals.
TheFifth Street mural, near the Apple Capitol Loop Trail, portrays people invarious outdoor activities typical to our area: bicyclists, kayakers, and joggers.
Anotheroutdoor creation she participated in is on the corner of Yakima Street andWenatchee Avenue. The large mural, covering most of the building’s exteriorwall, is a waterfall scene with many delightful details such as animals peekingfrom behind rocks and trees.

Soft,almost translucent, tones have become Cook Mack’s trademark. She createsbeautiful images of apple blossoms, cherries, and the hillsides with the light,air and the motion of the water almost tangible in her work.
Thelandscapes are of the foothills, the rivers, the impressive basalt formationsaround the Wenatchee area and of course the river pebbles.
CookMack is well-known for the captivating paintings of the small river rocks,amazingly varied in color and shape. She has the patience to reproduce even thetiniest morsels, one at a time, until the canvas is an amazing patchwork ofpebbles.

Jewelryand Other Art
CookMack’s creativity doesn’t end at the canvas: she makes lovely pieces of jewelryand also paints river rocks with unique designs. Her jewelry collectionincludes bracelets, necklaces and earrings.
Ifyou cannot purchase a canvas-sized work of Cook Mack’s, she also has her worksreproduced in small-scale prints and note cards. They include outdoor scenes ofwinter and summer, flowers, hens and roosters and rocks.

JanCook Mack’s studio, a red converted barn, is located at 529 Easy Street, justminutes from town. It is well worth the visit as the two-story building isfilled with works of art, from floor to ceiling, and every other availablesurface.

Whileshe can be found there most days working and teaching, she does welcomevisitors by appointment. That requires little more than a phone call to see ifshe has the time.
Youcan reach Cook Mack at 509-662-8383
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