Howabout making your own Wenatchee souvenir? Or a special gift for someone? The Inspirations Ceramic & Art Café at 400Ninth St. (across from the clinic) is open for visitors who are feelingcreative.
Theyellow house looks like someone’s home from the outside and on the inside, itfeels cozy still. And the doors are open for all.
JenniferCurtin, the owner, is at hand much of the time to give instruction orinspiration as you ponder how to approach your pure white mug or plate, ormaybe a decorative item. She can help you with design and color choices. Thewalls are lined with shelves stocked with paints of every shade, guaranteed toplease any color preference.

Drop-insand reservations
Whilethe studio welcomes drop-in visitors, they also accept reservations. Bring thefamily, friends and all. It might be a fun birthday or family reunion venue.“Paint and Sip” nights are a possibility, as well.

Ifyou cannot finish your project at one sitting, you can come back anytimewithout extra cost. There are no charges for time, only for supplies.
Thecreations can usually be fired and ready to take home in about a week, butthere is a “make and take” option, as well. If you are just passing throughtown, the Café will ship your artwork to you.
Theselection of items is abundant, any age and interest is sure to find somethingto their liking. How about bringing the younger ones to paint a shark or aunicorn? There are platters, bowls, letters and numbers, elves, turtles andmuch, much more. Something is sure to inspire you to pick out the colors andbrushes and let the artist in you take over.
Ifthe painting muse isn’t cooperating, you can also give fused glass a try.Jennifer has some amazing pieces on display for inspiration.
Afamily-friendly environment
Thestudio has become increasingly popular and busy, especially on Saturdays.
“Thisis quality time,” says Jennifer, “and it’s a safe, family-friendlyenvironment.”
Shouldanyone feel hungry, there is coffee, wine and snacks – and ice-cream! You maywant to make your own ice-cream bowl to take home.

Justlike the cheerful appearances of the house, Jennifer puts out a warm energy.You would never guess she is often plagued by horrific headaches, stabbingchest pains and other discomforts that would keep many people bedridden; theyoung entrepreneur nearly died ten years ago when a car ran into her. Afterbrain surgery, extensive rehabilitation and the desire to keep going, shearrives at her business loving every day, inspired to make people smile.

Thestudio is open Sun & Mon 12-6 pm, closed on Tuesdays, open Wed-Thur 11am-7pm, Fri-Sat 11 am-8 pm. Check Facebook for the latest information andhours.