In January of 2016, the Link Transit Board of Directors and staff launched a community conversation called ThinkLink, Our Future Our Freedom Our Public Transit.This conversation is intended to bring to the forefront a host of ideas and suggestions on how Link Transit can better serve the residents of Chelan and Douglas Counties with relevant, convenient, reliable and financially sustainable public transportation services.Over the past twenty-five years, Link Transit has evolved into a necessary, valuable and integral asset to each of our communities, large and small.There is change happening in every community we serve, and our populations are shifting and growing in many ways. This growth is predicted to continue for many years.As Link Transit enters it’s second quarter century of service and looks toward the future, there are questions that need answering.How do the citizens of our area see the need for expanding transit services to address the recent population growth, and that anticipated in the coming years?Can and should our public transit system play a larger role to help address some of the transportation challenges these changes bring?Are there different ways to provide service that would attract more people to use transit or increase their access to transit?Your input is critical in helping chart the future of Link Transit. Over the coming months, we will provide many ways in which you can participate in this effort.Public meetings will held throughout our service area, and the website letsthinklink.org<http://www.letsthinklink.org> is always available as a way to submit your comments and suggestions. We look forward to hearing from you!__________________________________________________________________________________________________On Thursday, June 16, Link Transit staff kicks off this public engagement effort with a BBQ at Columbia Station from 11 – 2. The Link Board and staff will be on hand to talk with you about your ideas and suggestions about changes and improvements to service, and what your vision is for the future of public transit in our area. We invite you down this Thursday to join this conversation and THINKLINK!Let us know if we will see you on June 16: http://events.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=ftxofmcab&oeidk=a07ecryvg9y847081dd