Last week a local Dental Office received a phone call from a man who identified himself by name and said he was with the City of Wenatchee. He explained that he was working with the Chamber of Commerce and was producing Refrigerator Magnets with City of Wenatchee information and contact phone numbers to be used by the Chamber in New Arrival Baskets. He proposed to the Office Manager that they pay for advertising their Dental Practice on the Magnet. After providing a couple of options and explaining he only had two spots left on the Magnet, the Office decided to purchase the advertising. Upon making the decision, the male caller indicated that he would email a proof of the artwork for approval and transferred the Office Manager to another individual. This person requested the Business information and a Credit Card Number. The Office Manager declined to provide the Credit Card Number and the representative agreed to fax an invoice to the Business Manager requesting immediate payment.The Office did not receive a poof of the artwork or an invoice last week, however subsequently received an invoice in the mail requesting immediate payment. The Office Manager became suspicious and called the phone number provided, receiving an answering machine. She left a vice message declining payment and informed the company to cancel the order.It was confirmed this caller was not affiliated with the City of Wenatchee or the Wenatchee Valley Chamber of Commerce.In the process of the transaction, the Office Manager received the long distance phone number and address of the business in Illinois. A Google search provided Better Business Bureau information on the company. That information revealed the business, while not registered with the BBB, does exist and uses more than one company name. The company is on record for a high number of complaints, which involve similar scams such as this, and their rating on a scale from A+ to F, is "F".In this case the Dental Office Business Manager sensed this may be a scam and called the City of Wenatchee to validate the information she was provided. As a result she was able to cancel the transaction.It is always wise for individuals and businesses to exercise due diligence prior to doing business with solicitors either on the phone or in person. These individuals can be very articulate and convincing.The best advice is to be suspicious, take your time and validate the information provided prior to entering into a transaction, and be a good witness. Chief Tom Robbins
Jerri Barkley
August 26, 2014