The Port of Douglas County will be holding their next quarterly “Economic Leadership Roundtable” on Thursday October 16th from 11:45 to 1:30 at the Wild Card, 560 Valley Mall Pkwy, in East Wenatchee. These quarterly meetings were started by the Port to bring people together over lunch, which the Port provides, to look at what is happening economically in our region. At each meeting the Port provides current updates on several of the 32 economic indicators they are tracking as well as bringing in guest presentations from various organizations like the SBDC, SCORE, Employment Security, Wenatchee Valley College and various industries in the region. At the end of the meeting, there is time for organizations and individuals to give quick updates on projects they are working on. The end goal is to give people in attendance useful information and to provide a networking opportunity particularly between our business owners and the public sector. At this meeting along with the economic indicator updates, we will hear from Bruce Grim, Executive Director of the Washington State Horticultural Association on the state of the tree fruit industry and Don Meseck, our regional labor economist, will give a labor and wage update. You are invited to attend the lunch, it’s on us, and we promise to start and end on time with no committee assignments. All we ask is for an RSVP so we can make sure we have enough food. If you would like more information or to RSVP please email us at or call us at 884-4700.
Jerri Barkley
September 28, 2014