While career and college fairs are important for students as they explore career paths that are equally important for businesses and the broader community.As the end of the school year draws to a close at Wenatchee Learns we are getting just geared up for the NCW College and Career Expo on November 3, 2015. AtThis will be the second year this mega-sized event will be held at Wenatchee Valley College for high school students. This year we have invited neighboring school districts to participate in the Expo transforming it into a regional experience. We are planning for over 3,000 9-12th grade students to participate. With the help of community leaders and a Stronger Schools grant from the Community Foundation of North Central Washington we are on track to make this expo larger than ever.It’s important for business to introduce their professions and industries to students that may not otherwise know about them. Teachers can help students develop the academic skills needed to be successful but the business community can help students connect those skills to a career.That’s where Wenatchee Learns Connect comes in.We are helping students in the Wenatchee School District explore potential career paths so they have a plan in place after graduation. Facilitating a college and career expo is one way to do that. Businesses that exhibit are able to introduce their work and their industry to kids who are just beginning to think bout post secondary education or training. Businesses will be able to promote the skills needed to be a successful employee.For instance, an interior designer could have a display of their designs and talk with students about the math skills they use. A financial planner could have a game that challenges students to think budgeting and a digital media company could show students hands on technical skills with camera equipment.Experiential exhibits are a key to engaging with youth. Exhibitors can entice students to their table a share valuable knowledge and experience by providing hands on opportunities to learn more about a profession.With more that 10,000 people a day reaching retirement age, connecting your business with youth is critical. The students of today ARE the workforce of tomorrow. Preparing students as they get ready to head into the working world benefits them and our area businesses.To register your business for the NCW College and Career Expo or to learn more about how to get your business connected to youth go to wenatcheelearns.com or Diana Haglund at call (509) 888.2828